סדנה בהדרכתו של פרופ' דניס קליין : “The World Is Not the Same”
ב-9 בדצמבר 2014, בשעה 16:30, תתקיים בספריית וינר סדנה בהדרכתו של פרופ' דניס קליין.
הסדנה מיועדת לתלמידי מ.א, תלמידי מחקר וחוקרים
“The World Is Not the Same: Narratives of Betrayal in Holocaust Survivors’ Accounts” Led by Dennis Klein
The goal of this workshop is to scrutinize survivors’ memoirs for expressions of betrayal, to contextualize the reality of endemic betrayal in light of the recent scholarship on neighbors, and to theorize betrayal in order to grasp survivors’ renewed if compromised faith in the world.
Dr. Dennis B. Klein is Kean University Professor of History and director of the Jewish Studies Program and the Master of Arts in Holocaust and Genocide Studies. He is author or editor of four books, including Jewish Origins of the Psychoanalytic Movement(University of Chicago Press, 1985), Hidden History of the Kovno Ghetto (Little, Brown in cooperation with the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, 1997), and The Genocidal Mind (Paragon, 2005). He is founding editor in chief of Dimensions: A Journal of Holocaust Studies and founding director of the Anti-Defamation League’s Braun Center for Holocaust Studies. His current work on post-traumatic testimonies and forgiveness theory is anthologized in Memory, Narrative, and Forgiveness (Cambridge Scholars Press), the 10th anniversary Truth and Reconciliation Commission conference volume, and Jean Améry and the Philosophy of Torture (Lexington Books). He also guest-edited a special issue of Historical Reflections/Reflexions Historiques on new directions in genocide studies and published articles on memoir narratives of betrayal in The American Journal of Psychoanalysis and The Annual of Psychoanalysis.
למעוניינים להשתתף בסדנה, יש לכתוב לספריית וינר WienerConf@post.tau.ac.il